Ticketing Terms & Conditions
The Choral Collective Limited
Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before purchasing a ticket. By purchasing a ticket for an event presented by The Choral Collective, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
Terms & Conditions
- These Terms and Conditions relate both to sale of tickets and attendance at events. The venue may have further terms and conditions for entry to the performance(s). Terms and Conditions may be subject to change at any time; any changes will be made available through various channels, including venue or presenter websites. Any variations made to these Terms and Conditions will apply only to ticket purchases made after these alterations to the Terms and Conditions have been applied.
- Refunds are payable in accordance with the Live Performance Australia Ticketing Code of Practice. In general terms a refund is only available in the instances of a canceled, rescheduled or significantly relocated performance, or to the extent otherwise required under Australian Consumer Law. Exchanges to alternate performances or the replacement of lost, stolen or missing tickets are at the discretion of The Choral Collective, ticketing agent or venue, and fees may apply. General Admission tickets, where no designated seating is applied, will not be replaced if lost or stolen.
- Neither The Choral Collective, ticketing agent or venue shall be liable for any ancillary costs associated with the cancellation of a scheduled event, including but not limited to travel and accommodation costs. In the event of a canceled event, TThe Choral Collective, ticketing agent or venue shall use all reasonable endeavors to contact the original ticket purchaser in a timely manner to inform the purchaser of cancellation procedures.
- The right of admission to an event is reserved by venue management or The Choral Collective. Ticket holders may be removed from the venue should their behavior adversely impact the enjoyment of the event for other attendees, or if they are intoxicated, under the influence of illicit drugs or inappropriately attired.
- Unless explicitly stated by The Choral Collective and/or the venue, the use of cameras, video and audio recording devices, including mobile phones, personal electronic devices and selfie sticks, is not permitted. Use of these devices may breach copyright regulations and venue staff may enforce this condition through the removal of infringing patrons.
- All children aged 18 and under must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. Children under the age of 2 may be allowed entry into an event and are permitted to sit on the lap of a responsible adult. This policy can vary at the discretion of The Choral Collective as some performances may be deemed unsuitable. Please check the information on the event page when booking, as age restrictions may apply.
- Venue staff may request to search your personal belongings, including any personal bags, prior to entering the event.
- Latecomers may not be admitted until a suitable break in the performance, and occasionally not until interval or for the duration of the performance. Any detail regarding lock-outs and latecomer policy is event specific, and will be published prior to the event commencing. Please check event details carefully to avoid disappointment. Refunds are not available to patrons who miss part or all of an event due to lock-out restrictions.
- Tickets may not, without the prior consent of The Choral Collective, be resold or offered for sale for commercial purposes or at a premium above the initial ticket price. The Choral Collective and/or venue may refuse admission to any ticket holders in possession of resold tickets and no refund will be offered upon refusal of entry.
- The Choral Collective, ticketing agent or venue may place a restriction on the number of tickets purchased by any one entity to any given performance. Should account holders be found to be in breach of this term, all ticket sales associated with the account holder may be canceled without notice. This provision is in place to ensure equal access to event tickets for all consumers and patrons.
- All reasonable care is taken to ensure ticket prices are correct and only available for sale when intended by The Choral Collective. From time to time, technical or human errors may occur in the publication of ticket prices or in releasing tickets for sale. Should an error occur, The Choral Collective will use all reasonable efforts to contact the ticket holders prior to canceling an order processed in error, and may offer tickets at the correct purchase price or a refund of the price actually paid. After exhausting all reasonable efforts to contact the ticket holder without success, the order may be canceled and a refund processed.
- The advertised program may be varied without notice. Artists may be added or withdrawn from the advertised program, and the right to vary prices, price reserves and/or seating configuration is at the discretion of The Choral Collective.
- Proof of identity will be required for the collection of tickets at the venue box office. This may include the requirement to show photo identification and/or the credit card used to purchase the tickets. Should proof of identity not match the name of the account the tickets are held under, the venue box office may not release tickets until suitable identification is sighted.
- To the extent permitted by law (including, without limitation, the Australian Consumer Law), neither the The Choral Collective, the venue or duly appointed ticketing agent shall have any liability to you beyond the face value of the ticket purchased plus any relevant per transaction handling fee and delivery fee. Neither The Choral Collective, ticketing agent or venue shall be liable for any loss of enjoyment or wasted expenditure.
- Neither The Choral Collective, ticketing agent or venue accept any responsibility for any personal property.
- To the extent permitted by law, The Choral Collective disclaims all liability for any injuries caused at events.
- Where seating is unreserved, patrons acknowledge they are not entitled to a specific seat.
- Where seating is reserved (including single seats, reserved areas, specific pews etc), patrons acknowledge they have viewed and understood the information on the seating map and will sit in the seat/area they have selected.
- The Choral Collective will follow, and where required by law, enforce all Government mandates around COVID-19.
- Humanitix are the only authorised re-seller of tickets to any and all events presented by The Choral Collective. Neither the The Choral Collective, the venue or Humanitix have any obligation to honour tickets purchased through unauthorised resellers.